Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A few pictures!

Hi guys!

Today was a little more exciting than usual because I rode my bike into town for the first time! Woohoo!

No but seriously, I enjoyed it a lot! I got to walk around Denville a little bit, shopped at Walgreens, stopped off at Starbucks, had a Subway sandwich for lunch and just really enjoyed having some 'me time'.

Otherwise, the rest of the day was great! I went to the playground with Ellie, we baked some Halloween brownies and just had a blast.

Here are some pictures of today!

Enjoy! ❤️


Swinging on the playground!

5 deer in the backyard yesterday morning!

Denville park!

Starbucks and shopping ❤️

My delicious Subway sandwich :D

Denville museum!

Our Halloween ghost brownies!👻

1 comment:

  1. That looks so much fun :) Can't wait for the new posts this weekend! Miss you every single nanosecond! xxxx
